Karachi to Gujrat: Train Ticket Prices and Timings in 2024

    Embark on a seamless and comfortable adventure from the vibrant city of Karachi to the picturesque destination of Gujrat via the well-established railway network. We present a comprehensive guide to the Karachi to Gujrat train timings and ticket prices for 2024, catering to the needs of avid travelers.

    Karachi to Gujrat Train Timings 2024:

    1. Awam Express:

    Departure Time: 7:00 AM
    Arrival Time: 8:30 AM

    2. Tezgam Express:

    Departure Time: 5:30 PM
    Arrival Time: 3:15 PM

    3. Pakistan Express:

    Departure Time: 1:00 PM
    Arrival Time: 11:05 AM

    4. Khyber Mail:

    Departure Time: 10:15 PM
    Arrival Time: 10:11 PM

    Karachi to Gujrat Train Ticket Prices Breakdown:

    Awam Express:

    Economy Seat: 3200/-
    Economy Berth: 3300/-
    A.C Business: Not Available
    A.C Standard: 7300/-
    A.C Sleeper: Not Available

    Tezgam Express:

    Economy Seat: 4000/-
    Economy Berth: 4100/-
    A.C Business: 8850/-
    A.C Standard: 7400/-
    A.C Sleeper: 12150/-

    Pakistan Express:

    Economy Seat: 3050/-
    Economy Berth: 3150/-
    A.C Business: 8400/-
    A.C Standard: 6400/-
    A.C Sleeper: Not Available

    Khyber Mail:

    Economy Seat: 3200/-
    Economy Berth: 3300/-
    A.C Business: 8400/-
    A.C Standard: 7300/-
    A.C Sleeper: 11500/-

    Plan Your Journey Wisely:

    Before embarking on your journey from Karachi to Gujrat, it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with the train timings and ticket prices. This knowledge empowers you to make informed decisions, aligning your travel plans with both your schedule and budget. Take control of your travel experience, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable trip from the bustling metropolis to the charming destination.

    Certainly! Here’s a structured table for the Karachi to Gujrat train timings and ticket prices:

    Train NameDeparture TimeArrival TimeEconomy SeatEconomy BerthA.C BusinessA.C StandardA.C SleeperAwam Express7:00 AM8:30 AM3200/-3300/-N/A7300/-N/ATezgam Express5:30 PM3:15 PM4000/-4100/-8850/-7400/-12150/-Pakistan Express1:00 PM11:05 AM3050/-3150/-8400/-6400/-N/AKhyber Mail10:15 PM10:11 PM3200/-3300/-8400/-7300/-11500/-

    Stay tuned for the latest updates on travel essentials, and make your Karachi to Gujrat journey a memorable one!