Google CEO Sundar Pichai Uses 20 Phones At A Time, Here’s Why

    Google CEO Sundar Pichai Uses 20 Phones At A Time, Here's Why

    Mr Pichai does this as part of his job as he needs to test different devices

    Google CEO Sundar Pichai in a 2021 interview with BBC revealed that he uses 20 phones at a time for different reasons. Wondering why? Well, Mr Pichai does this as part of his job as he needs to test different devices to make sure Google products work well on all of them. 

    “I am constantly changing and trying out every new phone,” Mr Pichai told the media outlet.

    In response to questions about his children’s YouTube access, the Google CEO stressed the importance of both tech literacy and responsible use. He highlighted the need for self-imposed boundaries, reflecting on broader societal concerns about technology’s influence on young minds.

    Mr Pichai also talked about how he keeps his accounts safe. He shared that he does not change his passwords often and relies on two-factor authentication for extra security. Two-factor authentication is way safer than meddling with the password repeatedly. When you change passwords quite frequently, you often have trouble remembering them and you end up mixing them. So it is always good to opt for two-factor authentication.

    Mr Pichai in a conversation with Wired shared how he begins his day. He starts his day by reading Techmeme, a website that collates the latest global tech news from around the world. 

    Founded in 2005 by Gabe Rivera, Techmeme offers a curated collection of headlines accompanied by concise summaries and links to the original articles.

    Previously numerous tech greats, including Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook and Satya Nadella of Microsoft, have been known to frequent its pages.

    Additionally, Adam Mosseri, the head of Instagram, along with other senior tech executives, also count themselves among Techmeme’s loyal readers.