Public Holiday Announced for Kashmir Solidarity Day on February 5th, 2024.

    In commemoration of Kashmir Day and in acknowledgment of the enduring struggles and sacrifices of the Kashmiri people within the Indian-occupied valley, the provincial government of Sindh has declared February 5 as a public holiday.

    A recent notification has been issued by the provincial government, aligning with the federal government’s earlier announcement of a holiday for the same occasion.

    Last Friday, Islamabad officially declared February 5 as a national holiday. The Cabinet Division has additionally called for a collective one-minute silence at 10 am on that day.

    Annually on February 5, Pakistan observes Kashmir Day to express unwavering solidarity and support for the inhabitants of the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

    The longstanding Kashmir issue continues to be a critical point of contention between Pakistan and India. Islamabad consistently urges the global community to advocate for a plebiscite on the disputed territory.

    Global attention was drawn to the conflict following the unilateral decision by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to revoke Article 370 of the Indian Constitution on August 5, 2019, which granted special status to the IIOJK.

    Pakistan remains steadfast in its stance that normalization of relations with its nuclear neighbor is contingent upon the restoration of Kashmir’s special status. As the nation reflects on Kashmir Day, it stands united in its commitment to address the ongoing challenges in the region.