Snowfall in Murree: 7 Inches & Counting! PDMA Forecasts More Snow Tonight

    The picturesque town of Murree is currently under the spell of a delightful winter wonderland as snowfall continues to blanket the region. The Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA) spokesperson reported that an impressive 7 inches of snow has gracefully descended since Monday, promising a scenic spectacle for residents and visitors alike.

    The PDMA spokesperson has forecasted that the wintry mix of rain and snow is expected to persist throughout the night, creating a magical ambiance but also prompting concerns about potential disruptions. To counter any adverse effects on traffic, the PDMA has taken proactive measures, including the application of salt on roads to enhance safety.

    In response to the changing weather conditions, Punjab Commissioner Nabeel Javed has issued directives to the Murree administration, urging them to stay vigilant. Additionally, Javed emphasized the importance of promptly clearing snow using heavy machinery to ensure unimpeded traffic flow on roads.

    Addressing the challenges posed by the weather, the Relief Commissioner of Punjab stressed the administration’s responsibility to provide necessary facilities to tourists. Ensuring the safety and convenience of travelers, especially during adverse weather conditions, is a top priority.

    With an eye on the well-being of tourists, the Relief Commissioner has advised them to stay updated on the weather conditions before planning any trips. Simultaneously, citizens are encouraged to exercise caution and avoid unnecessary travel during this period of unpredictable weather.